07 August 2006

AMCSupport First Convention

This post will hopefully enlighten all of you as to why I have not been posting lately...

My family and I spent this past weekend in Chicago at our AMCSupport.Org’s 1st Annual Convention.

As you guys know my son has AMC (Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita): Amyoplasia. I am a member of AMCSupport.Org and co-chaired (with Michelle) our very first convention. Not only was it AMCSupport’s convention but this was the very first time anything has ever been organized for those with AMC.

So this past weekend I got to spend time with all types of people with AMC. There were infants with AMC up to a man that was 50 years old. We got to have our children play and interact with each other. The adult AMCers got to meet other AMCers – there was even one person from the Netherlands! The toddlers got to play with other AMC toddlers. And us parents had a chance to learn from each other. Meet other children like our own children. See how that child has overcome a specific obstacle.

I met so many people. There was this awesome 14-year-old boy who was so quiet and all I could think of, while I looked at him is, wow is this how my son will look like when he’s 14. He was wheel chair bound and had very little use of his arm but he wasn’t limited by much else. He used hooks to help him reach things. And when we had our open forum season and one of the adult AMCers told us parents how important it is for the children to live a normal, healthy life which included going out with friends and driving if possible. This 14-year-old looked intently at his mother hoping she’ll relent. I just laughed because I’m sure when my son is that age I’ll have to have someone prod me along as well.

There was also a wonderful woman named Theresa. She is a wonderful artist, with limited use of her arms. She paints the most beautiful paintings, with the paintbrush in her mouth. She had a workshop with all the children of AMC. And she had all of the AMCers present paint on an easel. I know we'll do something with the painting to help raise money but we will also eventually auction off the painting itself on EBAY. Can I tell you how much I want that painting!?!?!

I cannot even tell you how often I was in near tears. Louie’s condition is so rare. That I have never before seen others that even look like him, and to have a group AMCers with his condition all in one city was absolutely wonderful, and inspiring.

After the convention was over I couldn’t help but feel absolutely proud of myself. Absolutely there were hiccups but the convention was wonderful. Everyone was wonderful. I didn’t do it alone but I absolutely helped bring this together. And I will probably for the rest of my life, be so very proud of myself for doing this. For sacrificing rest, time, energy, money, sweat, tears to bring the entire AMC family together.

So here’s my challenge to you. Is there something you have done that has invoked this type of feeling about yourself? Are you content with living your life only to help yourself and your loved ones (if that)? Don’t be content anymore. Do something that will for the rest of your life make an impact on this world. Make the world a little better. If you’re just working to provide for your family, albeit that’s wonderful, but it’s not enough.

Do something. Change someone’s life for the better. Make an improvement. Make an impact. This convention was absolutely that for me. I will forever know that I helped bring together almost 100 people this past weekend to share, to love, to meet, to hug and to cry. And I am so very proud of myself. I want you to be proud of yourselves too! This is a wonderful feeling that I wish for all of you.