06 March 2006

Post Surgery

Wow! It's hard to believe that so much time has past since Louie's surgery (Feb. 23). The surgery lasted almost 2 hours. He had a posterior tendon release on his left elbow. Dr. Goldfarb was able to look at his tricep and note that there was muscle, just not very good muscle. He said if he had to rate it (on a scale fro 0-10; 10-highest) he would rate Louie's tricep a 4. So the good news is he has muscle for us to try to develop and work with; bad news there's not much there. But in knowledge there's power right! After his surgery his elbow was bent to 30 degrees. We went back to the Shriner's one week later so they could hopefully bend his elbow more. He went under again, and his elbow was and is now bent to 80 degrees. He's in a (blue) cast. And he's still rolling around the floor. He's scooting laying on his back more, but this isn't slowing him down. We will hve to go again in 2 1/2 weeks for the removal of the cast and stay overnight so that he can receive extensive therapy. This past weekend we worked on working that arm. I would put cheerios on the tips of his fingers and move his arm and hand up to his mouth. He loved it. Also for the first time in his life, Louie was able to put his fingers in his mouth. Who would have ever thought that such a simple task would bring us so much joy.

Thanks for keeping him and us in your prayers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great site
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